Thursday, August 6, 2009

This week opened my eyes to a whole new world of technology. My wish is that I will be able to incorporate podcasting into my teaching. I'm still trying to master the Smartboard software. I appreciate the time this week to dabble and to be well supported by my colleagues. Thanks!

P.S. I hope this shows up on my Blog and not on a the wiki. (ha,ha)
Watch your step on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

More Shoes on PhotoPeach

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I really enjoyed playing in the "technology playground" today. I didn't get too lost!
In Maya Payne Smart's article, "Podcasting takes Lessons Beyond the classroom", I liked reading about the various ways teachers apply this technology in their classrooms. I agree with her points about podcasting giving purpose to what we teach and it provides our students with a larger audience to share information.

Monday, August 3, 2009

In Amy Standen's article, "A Glorified Whiteboard", she states that not just one person is responsible in creating a wiki. That to me is the essence of what we are trying to create with our students; a community of learners. Creating wikis enables students to collaborate and cooperate. Another point that resonated with me was that students can revisit and make changes as they find new information. By using wikis,
students will sharpen their critical thinking skills as they question and check the information.
I just finished reading the article on "Wiki Walk Through". This is a great article to read to get ideas on how to link wiki's to your curriculm. In the fall, I will be teaching three sections of reading in fifth grade; a new adventure. Below are some ideas that I would like to try:

-Summary or discussion of a story/chapter
-Book Review or author study
-Character resume
-Write a class story adding new vocabulary



This is the very first posting. Enjoy!